my life through a photo a day


Hello Again,

Did you miss me?! 

I knew you would.
Turns out I have been keeping a secret from you: I have been doing a photo a day in 2011. 
But don't worry, for now you have a whole month to eat up instead of just one day, you have 30. 

I have broken up with blogger because of reformatting issues. Tumblr does a much better job. 
So here it is in all of it's glorious wonder: me in 2011.


This Is Goodbye

I've been meaning all of Christmas break to get a picture of my parents backyard. It has been chuck full of 
untouched snow, and then we got dumped on the passed couple of days, perfect. I love the sight of untouched snow;
so peaceful, clean and dare I say breathtaking? Not to mention the blinding voip that happens when the sun reflects 
off of it (that's called albedo; holla for remembering facts from my general meteorology class). I haven't taken the 
picture until today because I think it best fits the coming in of a new year and my closing of this blog. I still haven't 
decided if I am going to keep going… I guess you'll find out soon. 2010 was good to me; it was filled with amazing 
opportunities,  great classes (and grades), places new and old, people young and old, lots of family, trying new 
things, failures and successes, and shall I end this list with improved photography skills? Yes, yes I will. 

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December; I made it.


Merwin, The Non-Snowman

Whilst sitting at Stephanie's house, we were plum stumped on what to fill our night with. I mentioned snow painting, 
not actually expecting it to happen. She was sold once I explained to her what 'snow painting' actually entailed. You
take a spray bottle, some food coloring, warm clothes and some hard working spit and voilà! A Whale will appear, or
rather whatever you plan to sculpt in the snow. It didn't take us long; I know it looks like a masterpiece. We birthed
good ol' Merwin (Moby Dick's cousin) at about 10:45PM tonight. It's he wonderful? He resides on the corner of 
Stephanie's lawn, right by the drive way where all passer-bys may gawk at our amazingly talented snow sculpting skills.


The Big Ten

Aubrey and I went over to Sara's in-laws (where they're staying) to see her one last time before their flight leaves 
tonight. Also, Aubrey and I wanted a cutting of hair from her as well. I just needed a trim, but Aubrey told herself she
was going to do something drastic to her hair over the break. I thought that meant cut it short. After sara finished 
cutting off three inches, I put my camera down and mentioned that that was in fact not drastic nor short enough to
qualify for my blog. After two hours of mulling over the fact and a small tad of persuasion Aubrey cut off ten inches.
Welcome to the short hair club Aub Bob. All of my sisters have done it, I think I've been the shortest (this passed
summer). Her hair is still longer than mine, but not by much. I'm trying to grow mine out… it's toughy but I'm trying.


Trickling Stream Of Consciousness

Wake up after noon. 2 missed calls. 17 new emails. Breakfast. Lunch out? Okay. Shower. Wear new boots. Early for
lunch. Free coupon equals free lunch. Call Alishia. Go to the library. Return 22 CDs. 4 new CDs. One graphic design
book. 2 fashion illustration books. Zero good adult fiction books, solution: one 'to be determined' young adult fiction 
book. One hour in Library. Cold drive home. Park. See prime photo opportunity. Love winter skys in the early 
evening. I heart bird silhouettes. Left overs for dinner. Listen to library CDs. Blog. Visit with Dad. Change out of boots.
End of school break stress. Rich family arrive. 25 baby slobber kisses. Mom gets home. 5 rounds of Monopoly Deal.
Aubrey gets home. PIE. Get gas. Projects, projects, projects. Listen to the lovely Bob Dylan. Ready for bed. Sleep.


Paradise Day

Last night we got to see the kids before the went to bed, played games with the Cramers and then went to bed after a
long day of driving. Today we ate breakfast, played more games went to In N Out burger (a Cramer/Duncan tradition) 
and then went to the neighboring park. We played bocci ball and then Cody took us onto the playground that
was dinosaur themed. We left around 6PM and got into Sandy around 1AM.  There was some pretty horrendous fog
from St. George all the way home, but we made it. I feel so lucky to have seen both of my out of state sisters and 
their families. I don't know where I'd be without them, cheesy, but true. I sure am going to miss having the chil'ens around.


Road Trip #230572

(The number of road trips is an exaggeration; my friend Stephanie always does that when she giving anything a 
number, I always die laughing). But for reals people, I never take this many road trips, I guess 2010 was my year,
eh? Right after church my family made the 'spur of the moment' decision to go down to Las Vegas until tomorrow. 
Why go to Las Vegas you ask? Well that is currently where the Cramers are. My sister's in-laws flew them in and my
sister doesn't care to be in a car too long because she gets car sick (that's the pregnancy talking; that's right I am to 
be an aunt once again, yay). So we packed in under an hour (which is a Duncan record; we usually take days to 
pack) and hopped in the car making it to Vegas in 5.5 hours. Today also marks the day that my Mother was born.
Oh joyous occasion. What a lovely grandma to spend her birthday in the car to devote the following day to her grandkids.

missed a photo?
