my life through a photo a day


Tubular Argyle (get it… tube socks?)

These are Nikki's socks… aren't they amazing? I love that her nail polish even matches. She looked so smashing
today. Actually, our entire apartment looked sensational today at church, if I say so myself. Probably because we all
get opinions the night before on what we should wear… Good idea, eh?


Giddy Over Flakes

It happened! It finally happened! It's snowing! Not enough for it to qualify as an inch, of course, but I'm not
complaining. Yes, I know it's snowed a bit in the passed weeks, but I've always missed it (either in class or sleeping).
I have no shame in saying, I wish it would snow so much that I will have to wear boots tomorrow :)


Unexpected Scurrier

This fast moving little guy was my after lunch surprise. I picked up my phone next to a pile of papers and then I saw
him, out of the corner of my eye. He was a fast little bugger and very fat and hairy. Not cool. I slapped him with my
shoe and couple of times, he looked like this after my escapade… not so smashed eh?

*Funny side note, while taking this photo I wouldn't even look through the lense for fear that he might move. Darn little guys have that
power over me… yuck!


One Day Summed Up…

You can't go wrong with a fortune like this one. Today is David's birthday, I got invited to go to P.F. Changs for his
birthday celebration. This was in my fortune cookie. Delicious… I think that's a good word to sum up my day.


Pastries On Steroids…

Check out this doughnut that Bradford brought home from the Macey's grocery store tonight… Apparently around
7PM they mark down all their doughnuts to 25 cents each. When he opened this box I squealed with delight; Coolest
doughnut I've ever seen. It's bigger than my face I am sure! Well I didn't try, but I am almost positive… yeah?


All Nighter Over Here!

Here is a small glimpse of my stop motion video for my Interactive Design II class. I took about 200 photos and was
literally up all night. We had to do our perfect day, I chose the day that I went Hot Air Ballooning with my family. It is
going to be so amazing :)


Muhaha, It's Alive!

I know, I know; everybody does this… the slow shutter speed, jump in the picture so you look like a ghost thing. Well,
I've never done it! Now that I have a totally awesome camera that enables me to, and a stable tripod that David so
graciously lent me, the deed has been done. "Bam Bam Jelly on Ham," as I like to say; enjoy, but only if you want to.


Side Part Sunday

Last week after church Bradford and I were talking about how apartments do matching things on Sundays. He told
me about how on his mission his companion would do Side Part Sunday. I told him how amazing that was and he told
me that he would do it next week. I was ecstatic. I had forgotten about it until they all walked in and it made my day.

(Bradford Riley, Oliver Johnston, David Wehle, Moroni Maldonado)


More Soccer, (ahem) I mean Futbol

Today I went to my ward's intramural soccer game. It was different, positive and negative anxiety all around. But who
doesn't get that way when watching an intense game? We won 4 to 1! I was the designated photographer, taking just
under 300 photos and this was the lucky winner (very tough decision). I know, I know, it's blurry but I think it looks
like a painting, I love it. Our team name is "We are the Walrus"; Janet is the one with the ball in the red and green.


Finally, A Storm Worth Capturing

It snowed, finally! It wasn't enough to slow me down on the roads. But it was enough to sugar coat everything. I took
these at about 3AM, so peaceful and heavenly. I love snow in this state, calm and crisp.


Sweet Flyin' Kangaroo!

These are cleats (obviously), but they aren't just any cleats. These are made out of Kangaroo! Now, of course all of
you are thinking, "Why in the world would you buy cleats, you don't even like to play soccer…" True. And of course I
didn't buy these, but my friend Moroni did. He says running/playing in them is like flying. Plus he got a steal of a deal
at ROSS; he always does when it comes to sports wear. And yes this is another shoe post… what of it?!


It's A Bird, It's A Plane…

Raise your hand if you think that the Superman Pinata looks a bit like the King of Pop? That's right teach 'em young.
He's even got the curl in the front and the pointy nose. Too bad he doesn't have the sparkly glove attached, eh?



Meet Sir Ivan Ulric our crown tailed Betta. Nikki purchased him this passed weekend and I've been meaning to get a
photo shoot with him. He's a natural at posing… unlike the previous tenant to this fish bowl (cough cough Rasputin).


More Pizza

I know I know, more pizza photos… I apologize. Nikki and I (mostly Nikki) spent a good portion of our night making
these two pizzas. Barbecue chicken and garlic chicken. Nikki is the best cook ever. (Note: I made the chicken in
these photos, and cut one of the tomatoes, yeah eat it!)


Typical Shoe Obsession

I love converse… is that really any surprise? This isn't all of my pairs; I have a monochromatic black and a regular
black pair as well. Don't worry this was for a school project, I don't normally take photos of my shoes. Although, it
isn't a bad idea… I LOVE SHOES.


Baby to the Grand

This is my parent's new baby grand, it's awesome. My sister Aubrey has mastered the new piano and all it's
technological glory. She is my hero, "Oh snap" (name that quote dear sister).



This is what I look like on my 21st and a half Birthday. I had to have my picture taken for a project. Luke was so kind
to take this for me. I know I didn't take this picture, but it's of me… so I think it counts. (I'm not sure what the
stipulations for this blog are… just making it up as I go along).


No Snow

No snow today - that's unfortunate. This was found by my dumpster… plastic flower or eternal blossom, I love it.


A Storms' A Comin'

It's supposed to snow tomorrow; I am quite excited if I say so myself (just did). I love the being outside after a fresh
fallen snow, especially at night, it seems so much more peaceful. It's about time too… the snow is starting to look
very dirty, gray and gloomy.


I Don't Care What You Say

We have come to the conclusion to keep our Christmas lights up for the rest of the Semester.
A) They don't look like Christmas lights necessarily because they are multi-colored.
B) They're on the inside, so those who get annoyed by us celebrating passed holidays can't give us the stink eye.
C) They are a great night light so you don't bump into the fridge on your way to the bathroom.


Family Home Evening Awesomeness

This is NOT what my FHE group did tonight, we ate cookies and played murder mystery. Another FHE group from
my ward was doing this in the parking lot after we were done. Fire-breathing… who knew?


Papa Murphy's On Sunday?…

…Not so old man. After the CES fireside we found a Harry Potter Marathon on Television. While watching this
marathon there was a pizza commercial every five seconds. In an effort to cure this craving that all of us (Jessica,
Nikki, Christina, Moroni and I) had, we looked up the recipe for Papa Murphy's garlic chicken pizza online.Nikki is the
best cook; I contributed the chicken, but she did the rest. This is the result… big crust… so worth it. Be jealous!



My parent's front room, one of the only rooms left with the original carpet. It is so cool because my Dad put in a
different colored carpet as a border in the room. Mother has bought new carpet and this will be replaced soon…
goodbye childhood carpet. (This post has begun the era of longer captions: goodbye one liners)


Glowing Greenery

Tonight I saw Avatar in 3D and was completely inspired by the planet Pandora, especially the plant life.


Officially Official

School has officially started: today I bought two textbooks and tomorrow I shall buy my last one.


Orange You Glad?

The first day of school. It was so-so until I saw this walking to my car… made my day.


Lost & Semi-Found

Recently I lost my ipod touch. Today, I found my ipod mini… yes, that is the ipod mini.


Midnight Grease Monkeys

Nikki had a flat; her and Moroni win the fastest tire changing award of the night.


Capturing Sunlight

Sunday afternoon, talking with friends/cousins, enjoying the company.


Celestial Beta

William Fitzgerald, our apartment fish, but I called him Rasputin because he has a fin fungus.


Cheerful Pirates

He doesn't seem so scary with bright twinkling lights dangling above his head.

missed a photo?
