my life through a photo a day


Broom Hockey, Eh?

So last night our ward rented out the Seven Peaks ice rink and played Broom Hockey. Holy canoli it was a blast but
we were all sore at church today (I wobbled up the stairs; I'm like an old granny). There were quite the bruise
comparisons made at church and this was the winner: Jamie Gardner my 'across the way' neighbor got this little
baby last night… ain't it a juicy one? (I've got bruises up the wazoo as well, but nothing like this. I'll be making
comparisons with you later, little sister).


Home Decorating

This is the wall in my room. It runs parallel with the length of my bed. I love looking at it… the scale is so big… I'm
looking to finish off the right side and the bottom by this summer (it's been driving me bonkers). Just some of my
favorite things: Posters and pictures organized in a beautiful grid… I'm such a Graphic Design Nerd (yay)!


A Visit From Roommate Past

This is my stupendous roommate from this passed summer, Amber. She came to visit us tonight and I cannot even
handle her awesomeness. Check out her purple shoes… I mean c'mon, really? How rad is that? It's like Christmas
Morn whenever she comes to visit. Too bad it was only for a bit. But we have set up a photo shoot for the last
weekend in March… Prepare yourself!


#15 On The List…

…of things that make me smile: getting letters, especially from missionaries. And an even bigger smile when they
come in these retro envelopes with the red and blue stripes. They always brighten up a gloomy day. You just can't
not smile… you just can't!


Oh Happy Day

"Don't you think its amazing the effect bubbles have over human beings?
Doesn't matter if you're an adult or a kid, you see a bubble and you smile.
Unless the bubble is filled with poisonous gas. Then you run like the dickens!"
this is white type and you can't stop me from typing it ok/!-Jim Gaffigan

I concur


Undefeated… What?

This photo is like synchronized soccer kicking, eh? Tonight I went to our ward's last intramural soccer game. We
won, of course, 4 to 6. 'We Are The Walrus' is now undefeated.


The Harvey Dent

A friend pointed out to me tonight that I haven't posted any photos of our Canary. I have posted pictures of our
newest beta (Ivan) and our old beta (Rasputin) but not this little guy. Introducing, Harvey Dent. He gets his name
from none other than the Batman Harvey Dent because one side of his face is brown and the other side is yellow and
orange. Isn't he spectacular?


Crystalized Tulips

Remember those loverly tulips from valentines day? The ones that my roommate got delivered to her? Well it's petals
are dropping like flies. Bravo to them for they lasted a whole week. Who would've thunk? Poor things probably wont
make it to next Sunday, so here is my ode to them…


Sticky Experiments

Today it snowed and it finally stuck! We probably only got about an inch, if that, but hey, it's better than none, eh?
These beakers have been sitting on the picnic table behind my complex for sometime now. I wonder if someone is
waiting for it to snow more for some sort of experiment. How Mad Scientist of them… Muhahaha (or maybe not at all).


Yeah, Toast!

This pretty much sums up how my day went. Some parts good, others bad, really perfect parts and terribly burnt
parts as well. When life throws you a day like this, you just have to eat it and hope that the next day you don't leave
the timer set too long on your toaster again.


Loss Of Words

Alishia came over tonight to use our apartment for a school photo project. Being around her and all her photo-tastic
ideas leads to photos such as this. Experimenting with her will be great this summer when we live together; cannot
wait, can you? I couldn't think of a rad enough name. I literally sat here thinking… thus the title.


Homemade Fortunes

School was blah today. But when you come home to a homemade fortune cookie in a lovely paper sack it brightens it
up a bit. Okay, a lot. Especially when it tastes like fried angle food cake. What a delight! Nikki's friend made them for
us. A serious goodie that needs to be replicated this summer by Nikki and I.


Step Into The Future

Remember those wedding dresses from a bit back? The ones that are to live at my apartment for some time now?
Well we got so sick of just looking at them that we decided to dress Nikki in them. A nice look into the future and a
nice midnight activity. What a beautiful bride she'll make, eh?


Rain, Rain DON'T Go Away

Tonight I went puddle hunting because today it rained and rained and rained… drizzled is more like it. I went running
in it this morning and thoroughly enjoyed it; I definitely think that it should either rain harder or get cold enough to
snow. No more of this "can't make up my mind" weather, eh?


Valentine's Day Was…

Let's just put it this way: jam packed with food, sweets, new people, old people and dare I say Love?


Drip… Drip… Drip…

My awesome cousin, Alishia, showed me how to do water droplet action shots tonight. And she cut my bangs…
she's the bomb. This photo doesn't even come close to how awesome her actions shots are, but I'm learning, eh?



…when Salt Lake was the cream of the crop when it came to the Winter Olympics? I missed the Olympics tonight,
but Vancouver seems pretty cool. Not to mention their logo is WAY better looking than London's… (what were they thinking?)


Spreadin' The Love

While in Sandy a couple of weekends ago I found a bucket full of left over valentines from way back when our
teachers/parents made us give them out: Disney, Recess, Pepper Ann, Doug, Anamaniacs, Barbie, Rollie Pollie Ollie,
Cabbage Patch Kids, Ranger Rick, Sky Dancer and Hot Wheels. Today I spent part of my day sending them out to
missionaries along with letters, pure awesomeness! How can you not smile upon receiving one of these babies?


What A Stud!

This, dear friends is my brand spankin' new nephew: Duncan James Rich. My sister Sara went into labor last night
around 8:30 and he was born this morning at 5:30. (Holy Canoli, right?) 6lbs 6oz, 21 inches and looking studly as
ever. I couldn't wait to get out of class tonight so I could scurry on up to Salt Lake to take a gander at the little guy.


Free Food Much?

This morning I woke up at 5:50 AM. Crazy? Yes. But it was for a good cause: FREE GRAND SLAMS AT DENNY'S!
I went with Lynne Gabrielsen, her boyfriend and two of his roommates. I was a bit hesitant, knowing that sleep
usually prevails when things aren't that important, but Lynne is good at making me feel guilty and I managed to
stumble out of my apartment around six. After our half hour wait we finally arrived at our table in the warm, breakfast
smelling booth. When our waitress came with our drinks, this is what my ice water was served in: A foam coffee cup
that read "Caution: Contents Hot!" down the side. Does anybody else find this as hilarious as I do?


Sunshine And Summerti- Hey Wait A Minute!

This is our bathroom, and yes we have a window in our bathroom. It's such a cozy little place to store all of our
wonderful shower supplies. It's also a colorful place, and when the sun hits just right, it's a glimpse of summertime.
I love all the colors and how the window only lets in a strip of light that hits perfectly along the bottles.


Really Really Ridiculously Good Looking Sunday.

So, the title doesn't really match the picture to the best of it's ability (unless you're a cake-oholic), but let me explain.
First of all, all three hours of church today were amazing. After church a not so planned party fell into play. The
decision to make a couple of different things came about:
  • Nikki made two cakes (pictured above), a coffee cake and a poppy seed cake.
  • Jessica made fried tomato egg plant things (not sure of the proper name for those).
  • I made Hawaiian pizza.
  • Moroni made BBQ chicken thighs.
  • All of us in a combined effort made fries with homemade fry sauce (it's just like Red Robin's).
You'd think this would all be in favor of the super bowl today; negatory, we didn't even turn on the TV (poor Colts).
We had over 15 people here today, all at once. I don't know how we fed them all, but we did. This photo is the only
documentation of the food that is left. I should have gotten pictures of all the peeps we had here, but I didn't even
think about it. Seriously, really good day eh?


Leapin' Champions

That leapin' one in the middle, number six, is my baby sister Aubrey. Tonight I went to her volleyball tournament. Best
one I've ever been to. Sporting events are always a blast to photograph, but the worst to choose just one photo from.
I took about 150 photos and we were only there for a game and a half. This was the moment that they scored the last
point and now they are going to the championship. Tough decision ("which one, which one" (name that movie), but I love it!


Rex The Pyrex

I don't usually name my kitchen dishes but this little guy is the BEST. So, a couple of months ago I lent out my 9X13
pan out for Second Sunday Supper. My good friend Moroni (who is in charge of it), somehow misplaced the pan. We
went everywhere, knocking on doors, looking for my pan. I told him since he misplaced it, that he would have to buy
me a new one (this was last semester). Today, he came over and presented me with this little baby. It is SUPER
nice, super nice enough to have a name.


Travelin' Rain Forest

Check out this Plymouth that was parked across the street from my complex today. It was covered with different
stencils of leaves and there were probably 30 different frogs painted all over it. It was somewhat of a surprise looking
at the car, you'd all of a sudden see a frog when you weren't expecting it. Pretty awesome eh?


Large Bouncy Balls

This is my roommate Jessica, she may have a torn ligament in her left foot (yuck). While telling her mother of the
news, I snapped some photos. We have two exercise balls in our living room. We definitely use them more for
seating and ottomans than exercising. But, hey, that just means we are so social that we don't have time for exercising…


Ground Hoggin' It

So, did the groundhog see his shadow today or what? Personally I hope he did so that we'll have six more weeks
of winter. I know, I know, some people would call that cruel and unusual punishment to wish that. But, hey, I love my

snow and we have NOT gotten enough of that white stuff here.


I Can Hear The Bells…

Weddings are in the air, or rather, engagements. Last night my cousin got engaged (shout out to Rick) and there are
about a bajillion engaged people in my ward. Anyways, the photo: recognize these dear sisters (older of course,
sorry Aubs)? You guessed it! These are Tiffany and Sara's wedding dresses. Well, what are they doing in my
apartment you may ask? My brother-in-law, Steve, his sisters are getting married this summer as well. So they are
going to try on these lovely dresses and I am the middle man. Thus I get to look at how beautiful they are… (sigh).
Did I mention we had the marriage (and how to get there) lesson in Relief Society yesterday? Like I said: "I can hear the bells…"

missed a photo?
