my life through a photo a day


In Paradisum

Ah, to be back in my High School Auditorium. I went mostly to see my little sister jam out on her violin. Above is the
Choir and Orchestra performing their Major Works concert. Even better yet, it was the same requiem that I
performed my Senior year of High School. Not going to lie, I mouthed the words along to every movement: I can't
believe how much Latin I actually remembered, woot. I also can't believe I am old enough to have the same pieces
I performed in High School be cycled back through to a younger generation, blah aging, eh?


Grape Stompin' Of A Time

These are my hilarious cousinsAlishia and Nikki. I've lived with Nikki for a whole year, and now we've added
Alishia into the mix (three of us and three other girls in our apt). I'm excited for this summer, filled with side splitting
nights such as tonight's. It started off with watching youtube videos. (Pictured above: they're watching this video…
0:51). And then, after changing into our PJ's we had a picnic in our room: air popped popcorn and Crystal Lite. We
exchanged stories of boys and reminisced of the silly games we would play when we were little at sleepovers and
family functions. One day of funny down and four months to go.

Oh and remember this or this? Yeah, the site is up now… (that's my photo on the landing page; my spread is on page 18).


Quaint And Awesome

My finals are officially over as of 4:35PM today. Seeing how they are now over, it has finally sunk in that I have
moved and I live in a new place. Tonight, was the ultimate test of breaking in my new humble abode. We had a Nacho
Nacho party to bring in the new change. Nacho chip eating while Nacho Libre watching was the perfect recipe. We
had over old friends and new friends. Isn't my new place just darn cute? All the apartments on our street are different
colors. I am SO happy that we got the teal one. Oh, and we have a lawn… how quaint…eh, Pacha?


I'd Like To Thank The Academy

I've been a bit snippity the passed couple of days, and definitely not my complete self. I blame finals, even though I
can't blame it all on them, but hey, they are a good portion of the reason why I've turned into such a Maleficent lately.
So I'd like to Thank: My Dad: for helping me move out of one place and into another within a five day period.
So I'd like to Thank: My Mom: for calming me down and helping me make big decisions when I'm not thinking clearly.
So I'd like to Thank: My Provo Friends: for not giving up on me, even after I shafted you for homework multiple times.
So I'd like to Thank: My Group Project classmates: for helping me get through these nasty nightmarish final projects.
So I'd like to Thank: (Luke and Angie; Sydney and Lisa; Missy; you guys all rock my socks off).
So I'd like to Thank: My Aunt and Uncle: for letting me crash at their house even though I only saw them three times.
So I'd like to Thank: My computer: for not dying on me and staying true blue through thick and thin.
So I'd like to Thank: And to everyone else: for making me who I am today-cheese factor-(tear, sniff, barf?).
To you all I send you this wonderful print found in the printmaking lab at my school…"Thank You".
(I know some of you are A) laughing at this, B) crying at this, C) Barfing at this and D) all of the above-ing this.)


Can I Get A 'What What?'

Three finals down and one to go! One all nighter later and a mini nap, some fun was in order: The whole gang got
together one last time: bonfire and BBQ at Nikki's parent's house. These guys (Apartment Monson 7) are the
greatest. They always had us over for some sort of awesome movie or yummy treat. Great home away from home
away from home, eh? Now we're all going our separate ways (well they are atleast) and we probably wont be in the
same spot again for some time now. But hey, change is good, right?

(Robert Smith, Bethany Rennaker, Nikki Christofferson, Mika Sanchez, me and Zach Woffinden)


Looks Can Be Deceiving

Ah, Sunday. T'was a beautiful day. A bit windy for the skirt that I was wearing but, nonetheless, fantastic. After
church, while walking home, the blossoms caught my eye. They are so great to look at, but man, oh man alive do
these babies stink it up a notch, or what? (finals start tomorrow… EEK!).


Only Slightly Homeless

Yesterday I moved out of my old place, great right? Well minor problem being: I can't move into my new place until
Tuesday. Even more minor: I have three final projects due Monday and my last one falls on Wednesday. And the
minorest of them all: all my friends who go to BYU are out of school and ready to play, but I have to work on my
homework. Thankfully to take a good amount of stress off, my Aunt Raeleen and Uncle Brent came to the rescue by
offering the guest bed in their basement. Check out all this room I have, and the big bed. Definitely takes a load off;
makes you want to put your feet up and chill the day away.


Who's A Star?

Apparently this guy is… Moroni Maldonado. Tonight was his last minute Birthday Bash (thrown by his loving
roommates), complete with rainbow chip birthday cake and randomly enough, garlic bread slices. Nikki and I
acquired these lovely slipper/shoes from an anonymous source and in the process of moving today decided they
would be the perfect companion to our age old friend, Moroni. He's never owned slippers: aren't these great for a first pair?


A Final Documentation

This is Robert: Art History Graduate from BYU as of today. Why on earth the tassel for the Art History Department
was brown beats me, but the music department's tassel was pink. Tee hee. Robert leaves for Ohio Tuesday morning
by train (stinkin' awesome!). Cool Fact about Robert Smith: he is illustrating/writing his very own children's book. It's
about a french mime… cant. even. wait.

Raise your hand if you think graduation robes, when unzipped, make you look like a young wizard right out of a Harry Potter movie!
Not completely relevant, but a good side note.


Green, Green, The Magical Fruit

Did I ever mention green was my favorite color? Green is everywhere for me. Pictured: my purse (which my little
sister has so graciously loaned me), my student ID (thus the cause of my schools colors being green), and these
bad boys, straight out of the 80's. I've gotten a lot of compliments as of late on these sunglasses. I absolutely love
them. Some comments: "I used to own a pair of those when I was a teenager!" and my personal favorite "Where did
you get those? From a kid's meal?". Long live the 80's. Side ponytail anyone (ooOOoo and it's green too)?

Also: the bottle cap in the background? From a bottle of none other than green apple soda… yum.


Sushi Tests

I am so stinkin' proud of this girl! Nikki Christofferson has officially passed her test on this very day the twentieth of
April. Now all she has to do is go and pay for her license and then she can charge all she wants to all who want her
massaging therapist services. In celebration Bethany bought her sushi… can you see the ultimate excitement on
Nikki's face? I'm pretty sure you can…Bam.


Do You Ever…?

Do you ever feel like you're on a down escalator facing the wrong way, trying to get to the top? That's how I'm feeling
right now with finals. The more and more I work, I don't feel like I can cross anything off. On a lighter note: enjoy this
picture of my partner and I who are working on this escalator project for our advanced layout class. It is a spread for
an online magazine that I will let you know when it is up and running and where to find it. I know, the anticipation is
killing you. right?!


Beards, Glorious Beards

Maybe it's just the lack (we're basically in a drought) of facial hair in good ol' P-Town, but I have a strange knack for
men with beards. Here in Provo it is basically prohibited to have facial hair (all attendees of BYU), so I automatically
have the urge to do a beard rub to the owner of a beard when I see one. I barely knew this guy (Matt Stokes) and he
gladly offered his services to all (Nikki and I) who wanted a beard rub. Thank you David for having an amazing friend
who appreciates beards as much as those of us who are sitting here in Provo, deprived of beards.

*Stipulations to the perfect beard according to Nikki and Brooke: must be full, not splotchy and must be trimmed. None of this old wise
man stuff. I would imagine they would get in the way when you eat. Am I right?


Snickah Please!

Pretty attractive, eh? This t'would be my now ex-roommate, for she left this morning off to Cedar City for a couple of
days. Soon she will fly down South (Mississippi) never to be seen again, until the fall. Jessica Whalen is a gangsta
talkin', hot momma walkin', southern accent squakin' little lady. She can't not talk with her hands and she enlightened
us everyday with her foreign southern sentence structures (say that ten times fast!). She will be missed and I only
hope she can teach a thing or two to those Southern Mississippians about us Utahns… make us proud, deary.


Class Project

Today I went elevator hunting for a spread I'm doing for my layout class. You'd think taking pictures of the side of
elevators would be a pretty simple task. Think again amigo… it's really hard to get the entirety of the elevator in one
shot, because there are stores and railings around, it's really no bueno. Although, I did get free lunch out of it.
Speaking of free: someone bought me these tonight… delicioso.


A PB&J To Take My Cares Away

Nothing makes you feel better like a good ol' peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Today has just been one of those
days: the pressure of finals are setting in and I'm getting in that mood where school is all that consumes me (I
apologize in advance). This little darlin' hit the spot perfectly. It's been so long, in fact, my Jif had dust on the lid.

*shout out to my father the accountant… 'tis April 15th and he's still alive. Shout for joy everyone… literally.


Joyeux Anniversaire Jordan

Jordan Holmberg (kid in the 'Spoon Me' shirt). Cool friend from High School. Victim to his very own surprise Birthday
party. Matt (the cake holder) was the mastermind behind it all. This party was off the heezy lemon squeezy and filled
with awesome possums to the rafters… Oh, and did I mention Jordan's french-ly looking facial hair? I love it; this
photo makes me giddy with delight.


Cats Don't Dance

I usually spend many Tuesday nights at my friend, Angie's house. We basically pull all nighters for our classes the
next day; yes, I need better time management. She has a cat and a dog. This darn cat has got it good… sleep, sleep
and more sleep. Oh, how I envy you dear cat. No, cats don't dance (random movie by the way), they sleep.


Pupusas & Co.

FHE was canceled, for reasons unknown (great song), Moroni gathered all those in favor of going to get pupusas.
We were able to cram about 25 people into this little restaurant, El Mexsal. They were so good, and the company was
terrific (Leah, Ben, Jamie, Nikki, Bethany, Beatriz, Weston, Nicole, Becca Hay, Daily, Crystal, Becca, Rochelle,
Camille, David, Porter, Aubrie, Danielle, Easton, Becca W., Moroni, Oliver, Bradford and Jessica). What a great way
to start the week.


Process Of Elimination

Jelly Beans… between Easter and Birthdays, they've been quite the popular item around these parts. Friday,
Bethany bought this big bad boy of a jar, along with the other ingredients for all those cupcakes. When the decorating
was done, the brown, green and white were the ones left with the occasional orange ones. By the end of tonight
these are all that were left… can you tell which ones aren't particularly well liked?


Fire In The Hole

Tonight, Bethany, Jessica, Mika and I went to Nikki's house for a fire in honor of Bethany's real birthday day. This
fire's services were used to roast marshmallows (smashed between two Reeces peanut butter cups), Starburst and
don't forget the hot dogs. Yum. Also, fire is unexplainably enjoyable to photograph.


100 And Counting

96 cupcakes. That's how I spent the good majority of my day. These mini cakes (check out the special requested
'corn on the cob' cupcakes and the Oreo 'owl' cupcakes) were made for Bethany and Vanessa's combined Birthday
party tonight. I should have made 100 cupcakes in lieu of my 100th photo, but I was in a hurry, plus I probably ate the
equivalent of four cupcakes in batter. Also, tonight was an old school sleepover complete with chick flicks hosted by
Megan. Stephanie and Becca were there… oh High School. The day was 100% pure awesomeness!


A Day Downtown

Does this even look like Downtown Salt Lake? I submit that it does not. I was at an AIGA portfolio review downtown
basically all day today. I got to go on studio tours to Axis 41 and Struck Axiom, then we went back to the Salt Palace
to look at different portfolios from Graphic Design majors from all different schools. There is some AMAZING
competition out there… I am deathly afraid and totally pumped now. I am a constant oxymoron.


Do You See What I See?

I spy with my little eye something completely amazing! See those two baggies of gooey gunk on top of those
magazines? That my friends will become the most delicious thing in about six days: Amish Friendship Bread… if
you've never had it, you're missing out!



Don't you just love leftovers from holidays… Halloween, Christmas, and now EASTER! Yum, I received this from my
home teachers today. Sugar cookie, frosted with coconut? Yes please… ! Poor guy never had a chance, I wasn't
able to photograph him before I couldn't resist to take a loverly bite out of him. What did you think about Easter?


The Mario Cure

The Mario music is more calming than you think. Today I fell asleep to the music of Super Mario All Stars while a
friend was over passing off levels one by one. Actually, both Nikki and I fell asleep; it is a nice thought to know that
Mario music is like a lullaby around here. Also: if you ever need to unwind from all the stress of school, a good ol'
game of Super Nintendo should cure that. All ages are welcome (except the ones that aren't potty trained).


Dear Easter,

You were terrific! Filled with a Grandma homemade dinner, conference watching and family catching up. What could
be better? Oh wait… a loverly Easter sack from my Mother as well? Why, yes please… yes indeed-ee-doo. Aren't
my Grandparents so cute in this photo? They were splendid to spend the day with.


3 Computers x 31 + Cheese =

A much needed homework night! Leah and Aubrie from apt 31 invited me over for a good ol' homework night and
dinner. Dinner consisted of Baked macaroni, veggie salad and for dessert… dum dumdum DAH: Cheese cake…
homemade and delish!


Christmas Morn…

The shoot has finally arrived and am as giddy as a school girl on Christmas morn! It went swimmingly even though it
was freezing and rodent ridden (and shall I mention burr infested?). Alishia came with us and got some great shots
as well… can you see the obscure curvature of Amber's back? Her surgery is on May 12 and we plan to do a
second shoot afterwords with her scar… magnifico, eh?

*note: this is my first portrait formatted picture (up and down picture)… breaking out of my shell more and more every day!


Happy Ending To A Foolish Day

So the passed to weeks have been pretty crummy… trying to get back into the swing of things-POST NYC. And
today was a bit of an odd one to add to the mix. Take one billion 'engaged' status' on facebook and add one gullible
Brooke and it equals one weird April Fools day. To end the day my stinkin' awesome little sister made these pretty
little darlings.So scrum-diddily-umpcious that I just made up my own word; mmm doggie they're tasty. This could
possibly end my rut. Thank you kind sister.

*Tune in tomorrow for one amazing photo shoot with Amber: like I said before, prepare yourself!

missed a photo?
