my life through a photo a day


Grape Stompin' Of A Time

These are my hilarious cousinsAlishia and Nikki. I've lived with Nikki for a whole year, and now we've added
Alishia into the mix (three of us and three other girls in our apt). I'm excited for this summer, filled with side splitting
nights such as tonight's. It started off with watching youtube videos. (Pictured above: they're watching this video…
0:51). And then, after changing into our PJ's we had a picnic in our room: air popped popcorn and Crystal Lite. We
exchanged stories of boys and reminisced of the silly games we would play when we were little at sleepovers and
family functions. One day of funny down and four months to go.

Oh and remember this or this? Yeah, the site is up now… (that's my photo on the landing page; my spread is on page 18).

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