my life through a photo a day


Dunky Do

Last night, I was chillin' with Stephanie until 3AM. I got home and could not fall asleep for the life of me (my body must
still be in all nighter mode). Seeing how my night lacked sleep I didn't wake up today until 3PM. Crazy, right? I was
a little mad that I had lost a good portion of my day, but I knew I needed the sleep, I guess. I went to the library soon
after with Stephanie to get some CDs and a couple of good books to read over the break. Upon arrival home, I began
listening to the CDs I got. Not too long after the out-of-towners appeared. We were babysitting Duncan while Sara
and Bob attended a play. He makes this face when he laughs; he looks angry, but when this image is mixed with 
audio, you know he is a happy boy. It still baffles me how big this boy is. I can't believe I only have a week left with him.

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