my life through a photo a day


The Big Ten

Aubrey and I went over to Sara's in-laws (where they're staying) to see her one last time before their flight leaves 
tonight. Also, Aubrey and I wanted a cutting of hair from her as well. I just needed a trim, but Aubrey told herself she
was going to do something drastic to her hair over the break. I thought that meant cut it short. After sara finished 
cutting off three inches, I put my camera down and mentioned that that was in fact not drastic nor short enough to
qualify for my blog. After two hours of mulling over the fact and a small tad of persuasion Aubrey cut off ten inches.
Welcome to the short hair club Aub Bob. All of my sisters have done it, I think I've been the shortest (this passed
summer). Her hair is still longer than mine, but not by much. I'm trying to grow mine out… it's toughy but I'm trying.

1 comment:

missed a photo?
