my life through a photo a day


Look… Up In The Sky

Or rather in my sketchbook… I've been drawing planes like crazy in preparation for my nephew's birthday party this
weekend. Currently he's in California, so we are driving the 12 hours to get there mid-day to celebrate. He'll be five!
Can you believe it? He'll be off to school in the Fall… even crazier. Back to the planes… every year he gets a themed
party of his liking. When he was three it was Arthur, last year it was Sponge Bob and this year airplanes (I know I
know, this kid has got great taste, eh?). For the passed couple of years I've volunteered to do a banner and some
sort of other decorations. I am so stoked. I love drawing planes. I hope he gets as excited as I am. This kid is so
cool: instead of having cake, he wants a sheet of brownies; his birthday dinner choice t'would be In and Out. WOOT!

Birthday shout out to Alishia; She's been on a plane (how appropriate, thanks for getting the memo dear cousin) all day coming back
from Africa. She'll get back two hours before I leave and I wont see her until I'm back from California. Sad day-ness. I hope your
birthday was filled with drinks and pretzels served by ladies in uniform, a happy nap in an uncomfortable seat and on flight entertainment :)


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