my life through a photo a day


Pre-Thanksgiving Chow Down

Thanksgiving is such a fabulous holiday… why not have it twice this year? Well, Nikki, Moroni and I thought that same
thing. So we did it: notified friends of old and new to come together in such a gathering around the Moon apartment's
clubhouse ping pong table. And we fit… all 19 of us. Moroni and Diane are not pictured here because they were still
dealing with the turkey. We had all the trimmings and such a terrific turn out. We may just have to make this a tradition.

(Nikki, Ben, Camille's roommate, Camille, Dani, Joubie, Andrew, Dan, Cameron, Porter, Roger, Leah, Bethany, Amber, Jamie, Aubrie and
my empty seat; Rachelle showed up a tad later, so I guess that makes an even 20).

1 comment:

  1. tell nikki her hair looks adorable in this picture... i'm too lazy to text her :)


missed a photo?
