On the weekends we tend to cook and bake together… people have time and it's a good way to make your favorite
things (they tend to have servings greater than one: go figure…). So tonight we decided to make sesame chicken
nuggets with garlic sauce, wantons (most filled with cream cheese, a couple filled with Nutella and three filled with
mixed berry), potato wedges and Alishia made a delicious fruit gratin for dessert. Me oh my what a feast. Oh, and
don't forget, Alishia also made the lime-ade that you can get at Tucanos. Yum-ness. While eating we had many a
visitors that we shared this joyous meal with… they could smell the cooking from across the street. If you're ever
hungry, stop by on the weekend, I'm sure we'll feed you.
That was a good day! I miss roommate dinners!