my life through a photo a day


And So It Begins

You know the holidays have begun when family starts flying in from all directions and the travelling to all places to see
family starts. It always reminds me of Christmas Vacation (especially cousin Eddy and his trailer), a year round 
favorite in the Duncan household. I've actually never had a holiday where we've picked someone up from the airport,
until today. My sweet sister Sara, her hilarious husband Bob and their dashing baby, Duncan flew in tonight at exactly
8:20PM. After a day of rest and helping a tad around the house we drove up to the airport to pick them up. We only 
saw them for the ride home because they are staying with Bob's parents; I am so stoked to attend church with them
tomorrow and chill the day away as well. I cannot believe how big Duncan has gotten these passed five months. Wow.

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