my life through a photo a day


Mess Makin'

After my 9AM class this morning I went straight to the printmaking lab to get started on my printmaking projects and
to finish them up before my final on Tuesday morning. I did NOT get as far tonight as I would have hoped and I was 
in the lab far too long. I guess I will just have to come back tomorrow. Not too shabby though for a class that is all 
about making controlled messes. I have a feeling this is going to take much longer than I had anticipated. Oh joy.
(Today I received an interesting compliment, "You have the shiniest hair I've ever seen,". Why thank you…?).

1 comment:

  1. Your hair is super shiny! And that is such a good thing too. I have clients ask me on a regular basis how they can get their hair to have more shine. You're so lucky that you have shiny and healthy hair! OH! And good luck on your finals! I know you'll kick some serious booty! :)


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