my life through a photo a day


Darn Reboot

Pretty sure my body knew I was going to have the next three days off from school, for it shut down today and I didn't
wake up until close to 3PM. I'm not sick, but I'm sure if I hadn't slept I would be sick; my body feels so exhausted and
my mind has turned to muck. My sleep was pretty deep too; I set an alarm for nine and didn't hear a peep. I didn't
even hear Nikki get up and get ready this morning. Last night I put on a hoodie, my face got cold so I tied it shut. Do
you ever notice that your nose is cold, but there is no way to cover it without blocking all air ways to your lungs?
Sydney and I talked last week about inventing some nose guard of some sort for cold noses–like a snuggie/breath
right strip hybrid. Cool, no? Soup and homework filled this day… more soup than homework; more sleep than soup.

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