my life through a photo a day


Not So Lucky Retainer

My semi-permanent retainer from behind my top teeth fell out today while eating a tootsie roll (thanks a lot Sydney…
joking). Yes, this was the only thing that really happened to me today worth documenting. Although, my dinner was
bought for me tonight (thanks a lot Sydney… literally); there was a terrific lecture session at UVU; I got to talk to my
dear sister for the first time since she moved… haroo; My room is finally unpacked after a week of living out of bags
and boxes. Now I can breath and floss without floss threaders. Nice thursday… the weekend should be a grand one.


  1. One time I popped a bracket off my tooth eating a single skittle. The ONE time I broke the braces-rule.

    I've lost many a retainer to dogs, too. (they weren't permanent. That would be gross.)

    Heading back to the ortho any time soon?

  2. Negatory. I spoke to my new found friend Yvette, her mom is a dentist.
    She said that those cemented retainer things are supposed to fall out if the
    orthodontist never set a time period for it to be in your mouth. I guess I'll
    see what they say at my check up in December


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