Voodoo donuts anyone? Ever heard of them? Apparently they're pretty awesome and they've been on the Food
Network a couple of times. They are located in Portland, OR and they are the most random and hilarious donut shop
I have ever been to. They have crazy toppings and the coolest decorations. They had a bubble machine at the
entrance, a coffin made bench and dentist and car seat chairs for outdoor seating. Sydney's was a jelly filled donut in
the shape of a man with a pretzel stick through his heart. Hilarious, eh?
other highlights: sleeping in, again; going over one of the many awesome bridges in Portland; going to Portland, period; going to IKEA
in Portland; eating my very first Voodoo donut; going to Powell's Books in Portland and being able to shop in the Graphic Design section;
walking down Broadway in Portland; whooping everyone in card games and the boys versus girls Scene it, round two.
I want to see this place!