my life through a photo a day


True of False…

…this looks like the sunrise? True. True of False… this is the sunrise? False. That's right my friends, this t'would be
the moon; please note the stars. The moon was close to being full tonight, so Alishia and I had the brilliant idea to go
and take pictures of the moon out at the lake. Only to our dismay, we found that it was closed. So, we headed up to
Woodland Hills to get the shot and this was the result. Magnificent. Do you want to know what else is cool about this
picture? The moon has the American flag on it… relevancey: the U.S. soccer team won today! Finally; instead of
tying, as usual. Do you want to know what else is by the moon? Satellites (love that song)… relevancy: my site is up
and done with. There are a few more tweaks here and there I want to do over the summer. But for the most part it is
done and I am done with classes until the 25th of August. I cannot wait to sleep in tomorrow.

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