Aren't they fantastic? I got to spend five hours with them today, and I loved every minute of it! Jordan called me a
couple of hours before the photo session to let me know that he had just received Charlie's ring setting that day. He
wanted to re-propose to her and get some candid shots; He came up with a code word: oreo cookie. This is right
after he put the new ring setting on her. She was ecstatic and I was so happy to be there and capture her 'Charlie'
reaction. You have no idea how bad I want to edit this photo… but no means no-I can't edit any of my blog photos…
they'd never get posted. They will be wed the first week of August and I am going to miss it for a family trip that has
been in the works for some time. Bittersweet, but I feel so priveleged to be able to have done their engagement photos.